I think he means they aren't used to or prepared for snow either.
they just didn't bitch when it came.

FYI, all your icy roads originated with snow. when it gets compacted it warms slightly and turns to water that then refreezes. lots of people driving makes it into snow.
why are all those people driving on snow if it isn't safe?
well I'm glad you asked! because they don't know any better and didn't heed the warnings that were in national news for days before hand. I know, I know. crazy talk it was and should have been ignored. and when it comes as bad or worse than predicted, if I were there, I would be embarrassed (no pun intended)with getting caught with my pants down. in the states that get regular snow, here's how they deal with it - no driving unless absolutely necessary, stay home if possible, heed weather reports and above all, SLOW DOWN and drive with CAUTION. all are concepts that apparently most "southerners" can't comprehend.
if you are one who can, I commend you. if what I just said made you furious, well then you are in the majority, congrats!

FYI Las Vegas NM is the same latitude as Tennessee, el paso is way more south than that.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.