Originally Posted by 5sdad
The media making things bigger than they are is what they do, and people take their cues from them instead of taking the time to use some common sense. Unfortunately, the media weather people are the worst at this.

Very true....

I think it's funny. Notice how all the reports are out of Metropolitan areas and not from outside of the cities. You'd think that just Birmingham and Atlanta got any winter this year....

So, lets take places that already deal with poor traffic conditions on a good day and through in a little ice and see what happens....

The same exact thing that happens in Cities in the North.

Only difference is that since that combination doesn't happen much in the South, it's news worthy, and since it's news worthy, it needs to be made to be EPIC!

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.