Originally Posted by rockinbbar
The guy was having his ranch that his family homesteaded in the 1800's taken away because environmental groups sued the government to remove his cattle from the land, and he objected by non-compliance.

Except that that's not what happened.

The facts are that this is land that his family never owned. Ever. They didn't own it.

Instead, it was land that they used. Somebody else's land that they had been using since the 1800's.

In no sense of any law does that make it his land.

The new land owners, which now happen to be the Federal Government, are saying "Get off my lawn!"

It's not his property, he needs to butt out. Unless of course, you don't actually believe in property rights...

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Turdlike, by default.