Two sides...

On one hand:
The family has an almost 150 year old business which was built on the ability to lease a set of land from the government. To all accounts the land was cared for and improved under their stewardship and the family paid the money required.

On the other hand:
Nobody ever promised that family that they would be able to lease that land forever. Not even sure there's ever been competitive bidding for the use of the land, which would seem fair in order to utilize public resources.

Life sucks. I don't know the totality of the story, but I know I'd be seriously ticked off losing a large portion of a 150 year old family business due to a court ruling in regards to tortoises.

I do know that the government's approach to this with the huge number of armed federal agents and establishment of 1st Amendment Free zones is a frigging joke that an entire host of government employees should be fired over.

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