Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
I don't consider hunting bears over a barrel of popcorn and donuts "sporting". I'm fully aware of the fact that in certain locales, that is really the only way to hunt them, and that harvesting some of the population is actually a good thing. I just personally don't find it appealing.

This is a good example of your personal ethic vs. what is "ethical."

Originally Posted by Mule Deer
Unless we kill animals with our bare hands, any form of hunting is using technology.

No doubt. And to a certain degree, the level of technology we each choose to employ is a matter of what we want to get out of the hunt, our personal ethic. Which can change over time, with different species, etc. and never cross into "unethical" territory.

But I do believe that if we use a weapon that allows us enough setback so that the animal has virtually no chance of detecting us, we've crossed the threshold into "unethical" because the hunt is no longer fair chase.

I'm just not sure what that distance is, and of course it varies according to the species, the geography, and all kinds of other factors.

A wise man is frequently humbled.