I'm a kid from Kentucky that is one generation from the farm. My dad grew up on the farm during the depression and basically they raised or hunted everything they ate. Rabbits and squirrels were a staple then .
When I was a kid we visited my Grandmother most weekends and I spent time in the summers there. Shot my first 22 at a probably 5 and got my own at age 9-10 and by that time we had the run of the farm. I can remember Dad giving my two older brothers my cousin and I a box of shorts or longs to split and we made a day of it. Groundhogs lived hard as well as chicken killing skunks an occasional fox and countless barn pigeons crows rabbits and squirrels. Nobody got shot& no property damaged I can remember so it worked out pretty well. I still remember watching dad shoot a big fox squirrel out of the top of a big hickory tree with his High Standard pistol off hand when I was about 5-6. I was hugely impressed to say the least. Still am, it was an impressive shot. Anyway I never looked back.