Probably inherited mine from my dad; his parents were both Scottish immigrants who never had hunting opportunities growing up. My dad got his Mod. 67 Winchester around 1936 and used to provide the meat for my grandmother's rabbit stew recipe and all kinds of other small game, and woodchuck culling for the local farmers. Then about 1940 he got a brand new Iver Johnson 16 ga. Champion and began pheasant hunting. Then WWII interrupted all that; after WWII he got married and began a family and didn't really have the time or $$ to spare. But he always encouraged me to enjoy things like that, and his old 16 ga. and .22 are still in the family in my safe. As a boy scout in the early 60's my scoutmaster had been an avid deer hunter back before WWII; I can recall sitting around a campfire and us kids prodding him for some of his deer hunting tales. So I guess my DNA was just pointing me in that direction and that's where I've headed ever since.