Originally Posted by gitem_12
if he keeps his grandkids on his peoperty

This seems to be a recurring theme everywhere these days. I have four households within about a square mile of my place. One is kin. Two of the households have grown up children. One household of transplants (living off their free govt checks) from the city have two boys; 9 and 12. Apparently, when you move to the country, your kids no longer have 'yards,' per se and can roam the countryside at will, unattended. I have had to kick them off my place several times, and this last time, it got heated.

I don't know what's so fuggin' hard to understand about keeping your brood on your own land. Few things pizz me off more.

"Ignorance is acceptable, because you can remedy it with knowledge and research. Stupidity is when you guard your ignorance."
Ted Nugent

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