Dave I feel for ya, flying as much as you do.

We used to fly out at least twice a year sometimes 3 or 4, but hardly go at all anymore.

I just don't have the temprament to suffer fools gladly, and when they're over there wanding my kids or my wife, it don't sit well with me to be honest.

I'm getting a mite better as I get older, not quite as mouthy or froggy, but still a man's got to know his limitations and I've learned some of mine over the years.

Last thing I need is to end up in the Federal pokey cause some crewcutted white shirt guy with rubber gloves pizzes me off.

Kids and mom are all getting older (me too I guess, grin) so maybe I'll try it one of these days again, maybe it won't ruffle me as much. But when my kids were little and momma was in her prime I wasn't much for anyone touching them and don't really give a [bleep] who it was.

Love the idea of the Bowie knives, that'd have the ragheads figuring out how to make PDQ detonators!

Got a visual when you announced such of you and Stick sitting on either side of some Arab dude with big azz knives smiling. I ain't much for false sense of security, but that scene gives me the warm fuzzies.

"This ain't dress rehearsal....it's the life you get to live, make it a good one."

TEAMWORK = a bunch of people doing what I say