I read the article, it is informative. Back in the '80's I bought a few of those Browning reproductions, including an 1895 in .30-06. It became my favorite lever action just because it's practical, ugly as me, and a bit clunky to operate - in fact it sounds like my spine and knees when I stand up - snap, clink, pop. Something about it brings to mind things such as a steam locomotive with a little too much connecting rod slop, a frayed leather drive belt slapping around, and a carriage horse about to throw a shoe. But the thing works, shoots pointed bullets, is accurate enough for what I expect it to do, and is always entertaining. If nothing else, holding it connects me with my father and grandfather, and a time I never knew, in places where adventures were real and men were doing things for the first time. It's a form of time machine, not bad for the price.