Back from said event up in Ridgway along with fellow CF denizen Roof. Pretty warm on Saturday and Sunday but Monday and Tues had a nice cool front with temps in the 70s. Joe did far better than me scoring a daily win as well as winning an overall 2nd in AA of 78 out of 120 in Standard rifle. I had moments of brilliance followed by utter defeat. This was also a Monarch Cup competition so US, Mexico, Canada competition with the next leg in Mexico.
I don't know if there were any other CF folks shooting but if not there should be. While it says "national championships" there are always folks who are shooting their first matches and are unclassified or like one of our friends from our Atglen PA matches who is a solid "B" class shooter and everyone is welcome and like our friend, often take home a prize or two! Next year may be in Raton if they find a match director and otherwise I'm sure it will be back in PA.
There were over $100K in door prizes given away including some Voodoo barrelled actions, 1/2 off certificates for Anschutz rifles and some very nice prizes on optics including a couple of the new Leupold silhouette scopes.
Would be nice to see some CF folks show up, even garanimals who thinks he knows marksmanship enough to judge everyone else but seems to not shoot silhouette.
The local TV CBS affiliate did a nice blurb on it.
If something on the internet makes you angry the odds are you're being manipulated
I did not shoot this year, but I was up at a cabin vacationing, so I stopped by on Sunday at the high power match. Very good weather, and they always run a great organized match. For those that never went there, it is big forest country, and the people are great. They also run a similar match on Memorial day weekend, and again well organized with excellent food catering.
A 26 average for AA is pretty damn good! Our M-S shooting has been badly impacted by Covid. Cross-border travel has been difficult for all of the people involved and our club has suffered somewhat as a result. Some of our best shooters have been inactive due to having to travel for work. We were able, after a 2 year hiatus, to get back down to Missoula for the Ironman and that is always a good trip (though I shot poorly). I enjoy shooting M-S just because it is not so much of an equipment race. This is not to say we don't still buy thing we think will make us shoot better but the truth is, only trigger time will do that. Please, tell us all about the match. What were conditions like? What equipment was notable? How did the westerners do? What were you shooting and what were your high points. What was the top score in each class? Honestly, I enjoy hearing about other's shooting. I like to pretend there is hope for me! GD
Please, tell us all about the match. What were conditions like? What equipment was notable? How did the westerners do? What were you shooting and what were your high points. What was the top score in each class? Honestly, I enjoy hearing about other's shooting. I like to pretend there is hope for me! GD
Typical PA weather for that time of year with the first day in the 80s and humid and then some light rain during the match and the next two days had some nice overcast, really made the targets pop-out.
I've not seen the results of the equipment survey yet but from general looking it was the same as last year. I'm shooting an Anschutz 1712 with a 25X Leupold and SK Standard Plus ammo. I'll send a note to see if they published the equipment list for this year.
If something on the internet makes you angry the odds are you're being manipulated
So the chart you displayed shows 79 and 81 retards shooting Leupold scopes. How can they win when the Campfire knows that Leupold makes such an inferior product?
So the chart you displayed shows 79 and 81 retards shooting Leupold scopes. How can they win when the Campfire knows that Leupold makes such an inferior product?
It's a mystery for sure!
If something on the internet makes you angry the odds are you're being manipulated
The truth is, they are just fine, usually, for the purpose. I only have one Leupold on a MS rifle but most of my fellow competitors use them. If they would only bring back a fixed 16x! I use three Weavers. Most competitors use Anschutz or CZ. I have one CZ and the rest are Winchesters. It would have probably been easier to simply buy an Anschutz and a Leupold scope! S-K standard plus is our most used ammo with Lapua Center X also popular. so I guess we are right in line with what was at this match. GD
In fairness,I've only Puked (3) Reupold 16 X's. Which includes an Old School short turret bitch,it's newer version and a MK4. Hint.
Luckily,Rimfire Sillywet is played at exceedingly close distances,where the "come-ups" are hilariously modest. Hint.
SchitSmell certainly "knows" her "numbers" though! Hint.
Fhuqking LAUGHING!...............
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
There's no need to reiterate that besides being a Drooling CLUELESS Fhuqk,that you just also "happen" to be a Thieving Piece Of Fhuqking "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?
You be sure to keep lamenting your exceedingly WELL founded Insecurities and I'll do more than enough for the both of us,as you "live" vicariously,astride your Couchbound Kchunt. Hint.
I'm "unfamiliar" with Sillywet. Hint.
Fhuqking LAUGHING!...............
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
All I see is evidence of a hoarding problem. I don't see any evidence you can shoot. Show me some match reports. You're the biggest poser I've ever seen.
You dominate the line using a Vudoo and a red dot, right?
You be sure to "justify" your Whining Broketitude,in the manner you frequent "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?
Be sure to keep that Vagina Monologue rolling,as you extoll your very WELL founded Insecurities,in that sensationally high pitched nasal voice you "flaunt". Hint.
In fairness,I'm "unfamiliar" with Vudoo. Hint.
Fortunately for you,Imagination and Pretend are free,so even you can "afford" to "contribute". There's no need for you to reiterate,that someone with your "means","abilities" and "comprehension",simply can't begin to fathom the magnitude. You'd need a co-signer for the tape. Hint.
Bless your poor poor(literally) heart,for Whining aloud and showcasing your Professional "Victim" status.
Fhuqking LAUGHING!...............
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
It is a HILARIOUS constant,that you are glued to my EVERY word and Splendid Pixel,due to you,suffering being "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?
Fortunately for you,Imagination and Pretend are free,so even you can "afford" to "contribute". There's no need for you to reiterate,that someone with your "means","abilities" and "comprehension",simply can't begin to fathom the magnitude. You'd need a co-signer for the tape. Hint.
It's thus far been a slow morning. Had a passel of new rifles to sort out and the atmospherics to drive Erik's Tuner. Hint.
No problem reaching 1500yd steel on the erector with .796 BC's. Can only reach 1600yd steel from here(at objective cap). Hint.
The Retardo 14" '250 SALAMI is grooving on The Chop,with 50 'Max Smooches. HILARIOUSLY barely Supersonic to 800yds,in the morning's atmosphere. Google as you must and nod them crossed-eyes,atop your pencil neck,like you "understand". Hint.
The Gen 1 HAVAK is Supersonic to 1700yds with 112's. Hint.
Kiss,find pressure and rock on. 2.900" Square Smooches in binderless AICS,behaved nicely laying moly down with shots #3,4 and 5 through said rifle at 100yds. Sig brass playing nicely to boot. Hint.
Shot DOPE to 1600yds(furthest steel at this location) and it's fhuqking money. Hint.
Bart' barreled Vudoo likes the EC Tuner at 100yds,set to #14 from closed. A little fishtailing tail wind,but the weather is NEVER "perfect" in the Real World. "Luckily",you "get" to read about it and ogle the pics! Hint.
This makes it a VERY Big Day for you,with all them Splendid Pixels to steal,as you wallow in your Drooling Brokedicktitude. Hint.
I probably should go yank some Chrome,here before Noon,so I can go check Mail for you. Hint.
Fhuqking LAUGHING!.............
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
Well if I was playing Sherlock Holmes, the first clue would be in the pic of the rifles that was posted. At a large match say the Nationals the first thing that happens is your rifle is weighed and placed in a jig to see if it comforms to the allowed measurements, stock and barrel, then depending on if you are shooting hunter or standard class, your trigger and safety are checked. Half of those rifles pictured wouldn't fit the jig. Second clue would be that after your rifle is certified a sticker of some sort is placed either on the scope or rifle as evidenced by the first shooter in the Nationals video. None of the rifles in the pic have any kind of certification stickers on them. I've been away from silhouette for awhile, but that's the way it worked then. Another clue would be any match results that I have ever seen from Alaska had about 6 shooters total, but as Tyrone has stated feel free to post up some match results or some hardware that you have won. Hint!
Well if I was playing Sherlock Holmes, the first clue would be in the pic of the rifles that was posted.
You're kind of new here (and welcome) but there was a time on the Campfire when Big Stick was actually really helpful and articulate in doing so. Alas, that's been a long time and the best course of action is just to now select "ignore this user" and move on with life. Don't know what happened to make him change but we lost a good member here when he moved to all trolls, stalking and insults posting. Shame.
Where did you shoot silhouette? Indeed, traditional silhouette seems a decreasing sport, although benchrest silhouette, both rimfire and hi-power seem to be growing. I may end up shooting that someday but right now I'm enjoying the incredibly frustrating traditional "on my two feet" game.
If something on the internet makes you angry the odds are you're being manipulated