Wow! I've gleaned more info from these posts, than 3 months of surfing the web and reading NPS pamphlets! We will stay outside the park several days prior to our stay at Bridge Bay.
My girls (9 and 13) are Zebco 33 class fishermen. Where would be the best opportunity for them to hook into something?
How safe will our gear be in the back of the truck while sightseeing?
Other than the Geyser area, are there any other bike trails?
Where is the cheapest place to buy diesel from Cheyenne to YNP?
How long is the trip from Cody to Sunlight Basin?
Are there any easy bike trails around Cody?

Thanks so much for the info guys!

Last edited by 30Herrett; 07/05/15.

America is all about speed. Hot, nasty, badass speed. -Eleanor Roosevelt, 1936