Here's my take.... I'm not a Vortex fan. I think their general use scopes are a watered down Leupold with some pretty much useless tacticool features. Neither of mine tracked well... and didn't hold a zero well. I have seen a couple Razors at the SRM, one of which soundly whipped my ass... so I'll leave my assessment of their top end scopes at that.

The only Vortex optic that interests me at all, is the 15x Razors. They seem a notch or two below the Uber glasses.... but the price point and warranty are a huge plus.... and as this little anecdote has clearly demonstrated.... schitt can certainly happen to gear.

To be clear, a phriggin bowling ball could have fallen on the pack... I don't know the entire story.... and two unsupervised kids were in the immediate proximity. I filled out Vortex's form, sent it in, and a new one was in hand in three weeks.... no questions asked.

Quick question: It's July.... you have a couple tags you'd really like to spend a few weekends scouting out.... and Jr. just drop-kicked your Swaro off the window mount.... resulting in a similar injury. Don't lie... you're cryin' the blues and schitting a brick.

How long does it take to get it back?

What's that cost us?

What's that 3-weeks and $6 worth now?

That being said..... if anyone wants a good deal on a NIB Vortex Viper HD 15-45x65 Angled Spotter..... shoot me a PM....

You better pray to the God of Skinny Punks that this wind doesn't pick up......