Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Originally Posted by Dogshooter
Show me where I bad mouthed them.... I'm actually pretty impressed with Vortex level of service. The spotter shouldn't have broken like that.... but it also got dropped. I'm just glad all it cost me was $6 for shipping. I won't buy another Vortex spotter.... but I'm certainly not swearing them off as a company.

for the record.... it will be replaced by a set of 15's....

Well, starting at the start... you showed a picture of a clearly broken scope and implied it must have broken by osmosis or pyramid power or some such and claimed no knowledge of its demise.

Enough so that the first response was "laffin' and any confeesions yet" which brings up the chickenschit tack of editing your posts after the fact and not being honest enough to leave a note up to the effect.

And of course Uncle Rico chimed in showing that he clearly took it as badmouthing and tossed his nuggets in.

Desert Bighorn saw it as badmouthing as he bought your obvious intent exactly as you laid it out.

Two days later you admit it took a "tumble" off the table. You let your teens get away with that? Or did you just wait to post that for effect? Did I mention CS already? Only then did you mention you had used it a lot...

Then Tanner chimes in with "...buy something gooder..." but fails to suggest a better scope... at any price point.

reelman caught your intent.

And then you chimed in with saving up to buy a spotter from Harbor Freight... That is not badmouthing? The only scope on their site is a Gordon for $49.99 with tripod... Humor? or badmouthing? Did I mention CS already?

joelbiltz then cam eon and obviously understood where you were going and got the Harbor Freight joke...

reelman came back with the fact you got back a Vortex... which is exactly what you paid for in the first place... and broke through abuse. And they covered it. Did I mention CS already?

So, I believe I covered the badmouthing thing pretty well. Your intent was not to laud Vortex, but to bury it. They stayed the course and did exactly what they promised to do. You have gotten two brand new scopes for the price of one.

No one has said "Why didn't you buy X?" Why not? Name a comparable scope with the same warranty for the money.

To pretend you were anything other than disingenuous from the start is well, disingenuous.

You must be a woman to read between invisible lines and come up with that kinda inference.....

I didn't edit schitt there Caitlyn.... I didn't say schitt.... and I didn't imply schitt. I didn't know the whole story when I posted the pic phugk-tard.... and I found out some stuff when the kids finally copped to knocking the pack off the table. Couple guys already new the story... hence the laughing about the Harbor Freight spotter...... I guess it was rude of us to not let you in on a couple behind the scenes texts too? Get a life Sugar.....

Maybe rather than using your second X-chromosome to misinterpret people and bytch about l the injustices in the world..... you could call on your overian power and make me a sandwich.....

You better pray to the God of Skinny Punks that this wind doesn't pick up......