Upon further reflection, and research, I'll have to concede that it is a 98. Further, much points to it being a KAX98 and that it is quite likely an Erfurt product. *( The stamping on the receiver says so). It is strange typeface though not like many other stampings on German made Mauser rifles. I suppose that some little unknown game changer could pop up though and surprise everyone.

It does get tricky and complicated because there is much history, various calibers, various dates of manufacture, small ring, large ring, refurbished, modified by others, proofs scrubbed rubbed and replaced. If it has all matching parts its probably an original.

Cabela's has some in their Gun Library advertised for sale at $619.99 to $950 in 7.92x57mm and 8x57mm. A private seller in Texas is asking $450.

I gave a Swedish King Gustaf 6.5mm and a Serbian Post WW1I M98 to my grandson a couple of months ago. He was ecstatic and invited all of his friends over. I also gave him my "Mauser Military Rifles of The World" book and that left me at some disadvantage.

Last edited by William_E_Tibbe; 07/26/15.