What a statement:

"After my experience getting stuff home this summer, I'll never be doing taxidermy again."

Who could blame you!

This is likely the most common phrase I hear from my hunters every year for the last 5-6 years.

Video and digital pics are the way of the future.

I have one very good hunter that has been with me hunting 20 years now on too many trips to count anymore!

He buys all his trophies from estate sales and Ebay or auction sites. His trophy room is massive and beautiful Only a very few he actually shot, but all represent the game he has taken around the world.

An unusual view of the process, but then he hunts constantly and has spent Zip on import, shipping, pack and dip, taxidermy, etc. I'm not going to judge this. He hunts as much as anyone and puts his money to the best use for his hunting needs.

He says " I'm a greenie" I'm recycling trophies! These would have been stuffed in a garage, basement, or thrown away. Plus my family can sell them off when I'm gone without concern, they were not " grandpas" trophies to begin with!

Are you living your life, or just paying bills until you die?
When you hit the pearly gates I want to be there just to see the massive pile of dead 5hit at your feet. ( John Peyton)