Originally Posted by JJHACK

The trophies for export must be accomanied by the PH register copy.

To leave the country they must be inspected by nature conservation which will also require the ph regester documents for export.

There is no way to get them exported without proper documents which require nature conservation and the taxidermy shop to participate.

As far as getting a ph to do this and " try" to help. That is more likely to take away from his commission to send the trophies to that taxidermist to begin with.

I know the commission/kick back to be a fact

I had to dig and even send more than a couple emails that I asked friends to help me with dig into the rebate money

I had a half dozen friends from accross the country email the same taxidermist is South Africa

From the prices they were quoted vs my prices they varied for the same exact species
by $75 per animal

10 heads = a $750 quote differential from the same d&p guy in the same month

Maker of the Frankenstud Sling Keeper