Originally Posted by BMT
Show me them clearing a jam.

This is where the BUll PUPs failed in the carbine classes I took.

One was a Tavor, one was a Sig(?), one was the Ke-Tec 308.

We sent up different failrues (double feed, etc.) and they were more difficult.

Show me a forced transition to the opposite side of the gun, with the case ejecting into your body.

Also, a right sided gun being forced into shooting from the left side in the middle of fight if FINE for a AR.

The TAVOR, not so much. This is what caused jams that we did NOT set up in class.


BTW-The Kel-Tec was very cool with the front ejection (shot right or left fine). But still sucked at clearing jams/malfunctions.

"The manual of arms (the operation of the gun and drills to mitigate malfunctions) is in principle very similar to that of an AR-15. Malfunction drills work just like an AR. Yes, some controls are in different places, but the steps that have to be done when it goes click instead of bang are identical. The only thing that I had a hard time getting used to was locking the bolt open. Jonathan, on the other hand had no trouble with this. In the end, it’s no easier or harder than an AR. Just different." Link