Originally Posted by gophergunner
Miles will have his freezer full before most of us even buy our tags. You can bank on it.

Well, don't have the freezer full, but I did whack one Sunday eve with the crossbow. She's of course broken down and in a cooler on ice now and packing into the freezer starts this evening. Nice big yearling doe I've been watching for a month or so now.

I am flat out impressed with Rage 2 inch cut broadheads and the crossbow. She walked out facing me and I just waited until she got herself situated just right and put it in about mid neck and pointed just above her heart. Took out about a foot of jugular and carotid and then opened the aorta just above the heart. Two crow hops and she flopped about six feet from where she stood. A couple kicks and that was that. Cut bone all the way down the neck. Lighted nocks are really nice! Under canopy just after sunset you can see it go where you pointed it and know it's all over.

If the Indians had those broadheads and decent bows, the the cowboys would have had a rougher go.