
BITCHIN' Hissy Fit! The Mascara stained tears and oozing Estrogen Levels frosted your Dumbfhuqkery in magnificent fashion. It's your Imagination,Pretend with it as you must. Congratulations?

No need to obliviously elaborate on how/why you are a Clueless Fhuqk,as such things go without saying. Just sayin'. Laughing!

I'll feign my "surprise" that you were/are unable to find me "mistaken".

What were the "odds"?!?

People who "know" and "do" as "much" as you,will always be served best by asking questions...rather than trying to give "answers". Hint.

You poor poor STUPID Fhuqk.

Wow +P++!........................


Oh my...you sad sack lying piece of fhuqking schit,didja' "forget" about your Imaginary Pretend Ignore again? Might be a touch embarrassing that after sucha' Proclamation,that your Trump Card is a PM you've had framed for posterity,for better than a decade. Laughing!

Like you don't hang on my every word?!?

I reckon I'm plum flattered...give or fhuqking take. You suck a mean ass.

I'm crying,I'm laughing sooooooooooo hard,you sappy Do Nothing Dumbfhuqk. Don't forget that you "can't read" this. Laughing!!!!

Kchuntfest 2015 is ROCKIN' and you are the Belle of the Ball!

Bless your heart.....................


I've ever not seen me happy to help and I've given away,more than most folks got.

Never was into Fluff or Dumbfhuqks...in no particular fhuqking order.............(grin)


If I schit in a ziploc,she'd buy it off Ebay.

I'd contest that glass is never equal,especially as light falls and becomes cast.

The splendor of a right proper illuminated reticle cain't be accurately conveyed via text,to them who've never been privvy...but once tasted,it's etched in stone and all luster is lost elsewhere.

Side by each comparisons,is never not intellesting................


Have a few pards that gunned 'Roo's for jingle and murdered other Vermin from the air Down Under,via rotary wing(drivers/shooters both).

Beings the profit margins were slim,topflight fodder wasn't the focus and glass of The Day,couldn't begin to compete with what is now available. Making due,is an issue MUCH separate from ringing the bell and Utilitarian glass that'll take a lick,offers huge erector swings with uncanny reliability and frost that with finite illumination,makes no concessions to the bottom line. Read that again. Now one more time.

In fairness,I've gunned every glass thus far mentioned...and many that ain't.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."