Ok, ok, ok already!

Give me the speed you are getting from a WSM and I'll make a [bleep] "chart" and look at it. Satisfied?! grin

With that conceded this is a whole 'nuther type of beast. Stop trying to pigeonhole me back into a mid weight 7mm. I HAVE that. This Big .33 will take a while to put together; scoped it'll be a ~$4000 build. And those are American dollars, Jordan! smile

The Lite (that's my 7 WSM "Sendero Lite") has been and will continue to get the snot shot out of it. I LOVE that rifle and am very happy with it across the board. But this is something else. Around here they are colloquially called "Landing Rifles", as in logging landings. NOT a carry rifle. NOT a regular old hunting rifle. I've got those in spades. This is different.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two