I almost drink water exclusively. I eat a little of everything and dont worry about anything. I eat sausage and eggs with hash browns every once in a while, oatmeal with honey and cinnamon or cold pizza. For lunch I eat whatever I want and supper may be a salad may be a steak. I'm just trying to not eat as much cold pizza. Lol I don't even like pizza all that well but I have 2 teenage boys, thus the pizza...

I may have to try the apple cider vinegar with honey or something because strait or in water it is truly fowl! As for portions I was putting about a shot glass full in about 8 or 10 oz. of water. I had rather drink bad moonshine.

Eating fried chicken and watermelon since 1972.

You tell me how I ought to be, yet you don't even know your own sexuality,, the philosopher,,, you know so much about nothing at all. Chuck Schuldiner