Honestly no argument from me Jwall. Sorry if it came across that way. Your last post of course is compeletely true. None are going to 100%

I read the posts and thought of course you get DRT with CNS so no reason to question that so I figured ribs were 'implied'. Didn't take it as you dissing the 260 at all. I don't get balled up if someone has a different favorite than mine anyway. Be pretty boring around here if we didn't. I just have no info on a 338 but have weirdly consistent results from a 260 -and honestly can't explain why. Of course all future deer I shoot may run for miles with it and things will even out. Hope not but..

All the best.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius