Brad, we are actually pretty much on the same page on this. And yes, you can track them without snow. I was trying to say for ADK that elk do act differently being as they will often leave the vicinity if you really blow them out and not return, but whitetails will be back this evening or tomorrow.

And this I completely agree with "if you can still hunt whitetails, you can figure out elk."

Whitetails are often solitary, particularly the bucks, but elk, especially during the rut will be in groups with more eyes. By herd animals, I mean they are social, and generally accompanied, not that they normally run in herds of 100 animals. Particularly when wolves are around, they seem to be in small groups of 5 to maybe 10, except as harems of dominant bulls. This observation is from where I hunt. It may be different elsewhere. And has been different where I hunted without the help of wolves.

Either way ADK go have fun and learn. You will likely be back again.