
I enjoy your constant Whining and Excuse List of "all" that you'd "do",were you not forced to suffer being you and had a way out from your Broke Dick Turd Polishing Nothingness. Cite the last month,in which you schlepped a Montucky anywhere,but down a hallway. Congratulations?!?

Your Imagination and Pretend,cast from the couch of a Window Licking Do NOTHING Dumbfhuqk's "perspective" simply hilarious! Must be a REAL Nail Biter for you,trying to find a parking spot for your Soccer Mom Bitch Mobile,when you go to "work" and polish pavement.

Pardon me,while cook a leetle Chrome,make another pot of coffee and set the stage for Round Two this AM. Be sure to cite "all" the things you almost "did",as you pen yet another Vagina Monologue and Dream vividly of what'd be like to actually go Outdoors. At least Imagination and Pretend are free,so you can "afford" to "contribute".

Bless your heart.



I've never seen a 8400,let alone any of the glass you try to cite.

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Will park the 1141-S GL3 for a spell,as it's gonna RAIN tonight and it'll be crazy good in the AM. Need to re-gun Lucifer,as I yarded it all apart for paint and actually punched the 1-8" Bart's bore,as a curiosity. Have me a "hunch" that 105 Holler Hornies at 3300fps,will prolly do nice thangs,as it always do.

Will shoot around more than a bit and glass for Booners this PM. The 18" 270 Montucky will get the pitch,as I've always wonderd how a 105 A-Max would do on Critters.

 to laughing soooooooooooo fhuqking hard,I nearly forgot. You STUPID Fhuqks will wanna fire up the credit card,get a co-signer and/or make payments on a Sig LRF.

They's almost as "bulky" as a 10rd ASC Krunchenticker mag. Almost.

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Might could be handy for a 1-8" 22.25" Bull Barreled Six Twat-Six.

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Or one of them there Anchultzeses.

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Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."