Even Carl Rove said 45-50 of the unbound PA delegates (54 total) will vote for Trump, mirroring the vote of the public.

With the momentum that Trump has now, he has better odds at getting above 1237 than coming in lower than 1237 at this point of the race.

IN, NJ, WV, CA all leaning Trump, some heavily. The states that he's not running strong in, like OR and WA, he will still pick up some delegates after finishing second.

It will be a catch 22 for Cruz whether he tries to ditch the agreement with Kasich and campaigns in OR and NM, or if he lets Kasich go head to head against Trump in those states right at the end. Does Cruz risk going back on his word and looking like a liar, or does he stand by his word and let the weakest man in the race go head to head against the strongest for those states delegates? What would the aftermath of those actions entail?