speaking of that beretta 21a, i call it the "bra" gun. number of years ago my wife was doing a lot of hiking in the phoenix parks system where issues were happening. Typically shorts and tshirt, really hot temps. Thus the bra gun.
it fits quite easily in that empty spot in the bra between the two boobs. Can't really tell its there.
I told her of in a situation empty the dang thing in the guy's face, throw it at him, and run like the dickens. Doubt leaking blood he would be able much to keep up with you.
I have a female friend that does a lot of desert long distance hiking. Shorts and a tshirt. she found a way to conceal one of those little ruger 38specials.
I carry the most firepower i can in a descrete manner, and given when i think i will be.
But, since my normal attire year round is shorts and a tshirt, a fanny pack or shoulder holster tends to carry most of it.
this weekend going into a really desolate area, it's a model 28 in a shoulder holster, and a a4carbine. Because i don't have to be concerned about concealing it.