
Your haste to schlep fhuqking STUPIDITY,to places it's never been before...is EPIC fhuqking humor. That ONLY because you are 100% doing your best. Congratulations?!?

I really enjoy your oblivious reiteration of Retardation,as you go Secret Squirrel and "Sleuth" the glaringly obvious,yet still fall wayyyyyyyyyyy shy of a first fhuqking clue.

Here,lemme fue your Imagination some more,so you can flaunt your Pretend and "convince" ourself how "real" your Delusions are to you. Follow closely.


The sun popped and while temps started this morning in the low 20's,it's climbed nicely now,as I await the Winged Crummy. Figured a digital display would grant you yet another window to lick.


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Tending herd on the critters.

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The Cattle sauntered off in the distance,towards the Western fence line.

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Gawwdamned fhuqking heat wave,still ain't thawed The Milford. That sorta stings,as I've always wanted to try my hand at Feeshin'.


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Parting pic of a Deer at the Hot Springs this morning,as I was headed to the house for a bag drag.

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Now you be certain to apply your Mall Ninja "skills" and continue to obliviously quantify your MAGNIFICENT Do NOTHING Dumbfhuqkery...as you set upon your couchbound kchunt and chant "I could too...I could too".

Bless your heart.



It's your Imagination,Pretend with it as you MUST. Congratulations?!?

Funnier than fhuqk,that your copious Insecurities compel you to try and compare yourself to me. I'm fhuqking crying...I'm laughing sooooooooooo fhuqking hard!!!!

Great time to quantify if you are bitching or bragging about the contrived Greektitude and no I won't tell you,which one you SHOULD be doing. Laughing!

How close did you come to getting offa your kchunt today?!? Thought so!

Bless your heart.



Don't go spookin' the hole...I'm on the ropes.



You need more ellipsis...but sure as fhuqk have a helping of Imagination and Pretend. Congratulations?!?

What didja' almost "do" today?

Bless your heart.



GREAT to hear that you found enough pop cans,to reinstate your 'net service...you "lucky" kchunt. Be sure to follow my every word and every pixel,so you can "live" vicariously. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."