WOW ! One post and I get a smiley face and a greeting from a famous author.

I do agree magazines have advantages over newspaper, for one thing thy are trying to keep printing and selling magazines. Newspapers are trying to get away from print and go online. Magazines can change content to match changing trends and so on, newspapers are pretty much what thy are granted we can run more and better color than forty years ago but so what. You will keep a magazine for months or years and reread it, when was the last time you dug out a old newspaper just so could read it again?

My wife is a writer and has gotten three books published and the fourth should be coming out this year. She writes under the name Ruby Standing Deer. Add a .com and it takes you to her web site. So in the last five years I have had a chance to learn more about e-books and print on demand than I ever cared to.