While I was out, my confuser received a brief (async) text-message from my cousin (at an elevated glassing point), around 11am today. Summarized below ...
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We had rain yesterday and the mountains were socked in with clouds and low fog, but that might have got these animals moving. So far, we've hunted all of Southeastern, Wyoming ... at least my "feet" feel like it.

We've spotted another group of bachelor Rams this morning, near ******* <--- (redacted by H. Clinton), but by time we got over there, they had turned on their Romulan cloaking devices. We're taking a stand in the area, because the last time we saw them, they were bedded and didn't look like they were in a hurry to go anywhere.
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Finally .... it sounds like the Fat-Lady may be out in the hallway, warming up !
I would say that I'm just waiting for the phone to ring, but even if they shoot one today, it would likely get taken out some canyon bottom and they wont be back in any cell coverage
to place a call, until Friday or Saturday.
Since its 3 O'clock there now ... my guess is they will probably stay there till dark ... either trying for a shot or to positively GPS this groups bedroom.
PS. ... Don't forget to wear your red headlamps and drop bread-crumbs ... on your hike out.

... Silver Bullet

Launching precision hand-loaded (All copper) boolits ...
into adjacent Zip-codes, since 1994 ...