When you're on the receiving end you are up the creek. Nothing I have ever shipped has ever broken. Might have something to do with the way I pack it. If I send you a gun, it will be in a 2X4 frame with 1/2 inch plywood top and bottom, probably in a heavy black trash bag pressed into spray foam, it won't be broken. Not many people want to go through that much trouble. Yes it cost twice as much to ship. 7 broken rifles is beyond words. But the words that do come to mind, pack it better. Were all 7 from different shippers? The other thing is, with part time loaders, we have about a 90% turn over rate, so it's not one guy. Now, if by chance your driver is some sicko, that's another issue. Do the packages look mangled? If they look OK on the outside and are broken on the inside, that's just plain improper packing. All I can say is if I want to ship something without it getting broken, I can, so others could too. Plus, we have a policy, if you find something damaged, pull it from the system. We return it to the shipper. We would rather have just the shipper mad at us than the shipper and receiver. So it's in the hourly's best interest to get it out of the system. What ever it is causing the damage, it's not Gorillas, it's my kids, your kids, the neighbors kids. Just out of curiosity, I'm going to ask my LGS how many rifles are damaged from the factory. If the number is near nill, I'll take that as the factory knows and cares how to ship firearms, and most other people don't. Maybe I'm lucky, I've never had one damaged, Joe.

I'm not greedy, I just want one of each.

Remember Ira Hayes
