I'm just saying spend your dollars elsewhere when you can as they don't care about the cops that come when they call. Seems there's always one parked in front for a shoplifter or whatever.

You lost me with this one. If there is a shoplifter, the have as much right to be protected by the law as any other store, or person. Then cop could be inside getting a bag of donuts, who knows.

I know a lot of people here have a hard on for Walmart, and them putting Mom and Pop out of business, but my take is a little different. Mom and Pop got old, and JR. put them out of business. People wanting to spend less for throw away junk instead of more for better quality, put them out of business. Lots of reasons that Mom and Pop went out of business and Walmart doing things more cost effective is one of them, but they have cracks in their Armor if one was willing to put up the money and find them. miles

Look out for number 1, don't step in number 2.