Originally Posted by Sycamore
I think Kasich would have beaten Clinton. I think he would have nominated SC justices that were 20% more conservative than Clinton will get approved. I think he would have kept a R majority in the Senate, and might have gained a few seats in the House.

Not perfect, but he has run a government, and Ohio has EVERYTHING: seaports, rustbelts, college towns, appalachia, coal mining, manufacturing, agriculture, railroads, interstates, blacks, whites, serbo-croatians, inner-city , Amish, rural.

My money was on Perry for the nomination, so you know how good I am at picking horses.



Trump has made a living convincing people he has what they want. don't feel bad about being taken in by him, he has suckered people for 40 years, he is a pro.

i totally agree with your every sentiment. but does that make the hillary one iota better, given her history of "service?"

we're choosing between the lesser of the two, or maybe the greater? i don't know for sure. sure trump is a bit warty, but isn't hillary a bit more warty than even he?

the good news is that the day after the election the sun will arise & set on schedule.