Originally Posted by boatboy
Originally Posted by bigfish9684
Originally Posted by MadMooner
Curious as to how many would change their primary vote if we knew then what we know now?

Well... I was all set to vote for Cruz but by the time you and I voted in the WA primaries Cruz had been mathematically eliminated (at least when I sent in my ballot) and the only person on the ballot that had any balls to stand up to the media and Clinton was Trump. So Trump got my vote.

Despite the defeatists around here... THERE WAS NO REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE THAT WAS GOING TO STAND UP TO THE MEDIA. FIRST REPORTER TO LEVEL "RACIST, HOMOPHOBE, ISLAMOPHOBE, SEXIST, ETC." WOULD HAVE CAUSED ANY OF THE OTHER 16 TO COWER AND GO RUNNING FOR THE HILLS. Except **maybe** Cruz and Carson. Cruz would have launched into a sermon to prove he wasn't the -ist flavor of the day and turned people off (this isn't a dig at evangelicals, just Cruz's style). Carson, as mentioned, is too soft spoken to be the leader of this country. Carson can't handle the aggressive media.

I've said it before and will say it again. I would rather have Cruz as president. Cruz would have lost in a landslide to Clinton, as would have any of the other 15 people that tried to get the nod except Trump. None of the non-Trump candidates would have carried more than maybe one swing state.

I just don't understand the fact some people think we're doomed and have given up.

ETA: Carson and Cruz were usually right, but when making their point they took too damned long beating around the bush (no pun intended). They would never have said anything bad about illegals streaming across the southern border for fear of the media. Trump comes right out and calls them criminals but yet that some are good people. Trump speaks directly to the citizens, no media filter. He's right on a lot of stuff, he knows it, we know it. It's his message and how it is delivered resonating with people- not the candidate. If Cruz or Carson had the exact same message and delivery, we wouldn't have Trump. PERIOD!

I agree 100%
With the exception of him loosing by a landslide Ted would have done OK
Trump was not my guy but he is now

If the media hates a candidate, there should be your message right there...