Originally Posted by MadMooner
Our horse is behind in nearly every poll to one of the worst candidates the Dems have ever run.....for starters.

I would bet that any one of the Republican candidates that Trump BEAT would be just as far behind in the polls at this point thanks to our unbiased media. At least dance with the one what brung ya. You want Hillary selecting Supreme Court Justices? Then continue on with the negative waves guys.

We are being lied to folks. Take note of the ratio of political signs in yards. And the size of crowds each candidate draws. And the fact that the last eight years were such a success and Hillary would mean more of the same and then some. Plus the minority vote is not as excited now as they were to elect the traitor and at least some faction of the Democratic crowd has been turned off by revelations of criminality. Are you believing your lying eyes or are you believing the sainted press?

Lastly, every time a leftist was rattling sabers about gun control, when the public perceived the leftist would win, there has been a run on guns and ammunition. I'm not seeing it this time around.

If I disregard the press and polls and go by the indicators which I actually see, Trump is winning. The polls should start looking more realistic closer to zero hour. Right now their job is to influence the early vote for their candidate. I think they are putting up a facade to make a stolen election look more credible to the losing public.

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