Originally Posted by Sycamore
I think Kasich would have beaten Clinton. I think he would have nominated SC justices that were 20% more conservative than Clinton will get approved. I think he would have kept a R majority in the Senate, and might have gained a few seats in the House.

Not perfect, but he has run a government, and Ohio has EVERYTHING: seaports, rustbelts, college towns, appalachia, coal mining, manufacturing, agriculture, railroads, interstates, blacks, whites, serbo-croatians, inner-city , Amish, rural.

My money was on Perry for the nomination, so you know how good I am at picking horses.



Trump has made a living convincing people he has what they want. don't feel bad about being taken in by him, he has suckered people for 40 years, he is a pro.

Please tell which city in Ohio is a seaport..........

Kacich is a puss y and a liberal POS. And he hass tourrettes.