Originally Posted by Wyogal
Who believes who should be castigated? I would wager that most folks reading about this pizzagate stuff, don't know and likely have NEVER heard about the people who seem to be involved.
The slippery slope is in assuming, that people who find grains of truth in this reporting, originally hated the people involved in the first place. I'm seeing words and assumptions being put in people's mouths by your statement.
No intention to cause a fight, just calling it as I see it.

I have experienced being castigated for something I didn't do, by people who just wanted to besmurch my reputation, for whatever heinious reason. When you work around people who aren't honorable adults, that happens. But, what your are referencing here is not the case.
Honest, good people can become so shocked by this stuff, that their minds attempt to block it with a strong denial filter. But blinders are what pedophiles expect people to wear.

This fella's claiming that he's missing the "points" that people are trying to make, and clearly trying to draw folks out.
I can't "read" that effort,or it's intention,worth a damn.I DO know that the more one actually knows / learns about all of this, the more reticent they become to discuss it in big crowds.

Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain