Originally Posted by shootem

There is never the absence of fact or, perhaps more accurately, truth.

Relative to flawed human awareness of course there can be absence of fact, where it be purposely hidden from them
, or the person just ignorantly blind to it. >> I did not say the non-existence of fact, but the abscence of fact.
Something can be absent from somewhere or someone, and still exist cant it?

Originally Posted by shootem

Many can and do look at Biblical accounts with the attitude of 'absolute' disbelief. How can a dead man possibly live?
How can water gush from a rock? How can a people be fed daily in a desert devoid of food by an invisible entity they call God?
Well, perhaps these are truths the lack of data on the hard drive prevents us from accurately interpreting. Who is man to say he is all knowing? .

Not all questioning/enquiring men claim to be all knowing...some simply question the validity of biblical claims, eg; like talking donkeys.
Many rational christians themselves don't believe such stories but still embrace and live christian values, very early Christians did not
believe that Jesus was divine...and some still don't.
Christians argued between themselves about divinity of Jesus, and it was supposedly settled in the 4th century by being decided by vote ,
which was then rejected and overturned by those who didn't like the result.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.