Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Ringman
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by shootem

The Jews of Exodus wandering in the desert described God who led them as a 'Cloud of Smoke' by day and a 'Pillar of Fire by night'. No doubt to me they reported fact, but there is much more there they did not have the ability to interpret even as they watched. So they were accurate but 'incomplete' in their description. How would one of us interpret the same 'fact' were we to view it with today's understanding of reality? It'll be amazing to find out.

And now for today's pop quiz. What is the name for God the Creator?

Except the part where main stream Bible Scholars no longer accept The Exodus as a historical event, nor Moses as a historical character....

Again you find some whackos who call themselves Bible Scholars who also don't believe in the resurrection of Jesus. They are not Bible Scholars. They are using the Bible to make money by selling their tripe to those who want to believe a lie.

Says the Young Earth Creationist.

There are physical scientists with significantly more education than yours who accept a young earth as strongly as you accept an old earth. We all have the same information. It our wold view that tells us how to interpret it. You start with the idea the majority is correct. So did Dr. Kindell. And yet he studied ten different fields during his education. He now lectures on science without using the Bible.

He looks at a single rock with four different ages that vary by a billion years and says, "The dating system is flawed." You look at the same information and say, "This proves the Bible is wrong."

"Only Christ is the fullness of God's revelation."
Everyday Hunter