Originally Posted by Clarkm
Originally Posted by Gus
enter der Hindus and their Pantheism.

basically they claim there was no big-bang. things have always been, and always will be. that differs from the various strains of western theology of course.

in other words, no beginning and no end. sounds kinda like "God" to me? no?

but who are those pantheistic hindus, and why is there such animosity between them and the monotheistic muslims?

and if the earth collided with another planet, would the overall cosmos skip a beat and then keep on ticking?

Roger Penrose, Stephen Hawking's teacher, and Paul Steinhardt, the Einstein chair at Princeton, both independently reject the big bang in part and go for a more cyclic model.

As Penrose points out CBR, cosmic background radiation, is 0.1% uninorm in all directions and looks like 3 degrees K radiation. That is as high entropy as it gets. The big bang would have had to be perfectly low entropy. Thus the theory in trouble with not only gravity, but the second law of thermodynamics. Yet two Nobel prizes have been handed out for the big bang.

For anyone who can think, this is troubling.

well, yes indeed. troubling it is sums it up very well. but, we're dealing in theory, and hypothesis of one kind or another. not totaly the truth, not yet anyways. the truth might not be so pleasant? i don't know.

but, what if there was no beginning, and there was no end? how could that be? well, our binary brains couldn't conceive of such a thing/reality, so it doesn't exist, right?

we western europeans with our thought process don't hardly allow no outside ideas to enter in. it keeps us safe, or at least did. but, what if the Story Line is bigger/larger than what we've come to believe/accept? humans on the earth, what a concept. lol.