Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by shootem

The Jews of Exodus wandering in the desert described God who led them as a 'Cloud of Smoke' by day and a 'Pillar of Fire by night'. No doubt to me they reported fact, but there is much more there they did not have the ability to interpret even as they watched. So they were accurate but 'incomplete' in their description. How would one of us interpret the same 'fact' were we to view it with today's understanding of reality? It'll be amazing to find out.

And now for today's pop quiz. What is the name for God the Creator?

Except the part where main stream Bible Scholars no longer accept The Exodus as a historical event, nor Moses as a historical character....

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  Itching ears, hearing what they want to hear and eyes seeing only what they want to see.  AS is strongly biased in his chosen direction and can only hear and see what he desires to see and hear.

So, the big bang theory is “proven” false?   Nah… much discussion and discovery still going on. 

Do your own search, there is plenty of debate going on.  Here is a simplified, easier to understand view.  If you want more in depth review, do your own search.



So,  "main stream" scholars agree that Moses and the Exodus are fictitious?  Nah.  Again, the itching ears and eyes problem.

Again, do your own investigation and articles such as this one will emerge:



There are those who present one side of a debatable point as undisputed fact when it is not

Simple lame attempt at confusing some and fooling others.


The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”