The biggest problem with hunting Texas IMO isn't high fences , it's merely the fact that there isn't any public land. How much land one has available to them to hunt is dictated by how much money they have and therefore how much land they have at their disposal. Some guys can't afford to hunt or own more than 100 acres, while some can afford to hunt 2500-5000 acres. The biggest negative affect on me hunting here is the confinement issue. I like opportunities, and the freedom to stretch my legs , see new territory and always wonder what's over that next ridge. You simply can't do that here. You have what you have (based on how much you've paid) and you'll get really good at identifying your surroundings from your box blind. The private land issue really is the hiccup IMO. This year I hunted on military land , 150,000 acres and even though I had to jump through a hundred hoops and a few hiccups I was able to really hunt. I hiked several miles on many different days scouting and looking for the right things that would make spotting a buck possible and then enacted my game plan. Shot my buck while sitting on the ground with my back against an oak tree and no feeders or BS just hunting. It was a nice change of pace from spending $4000 and putting 2000 miles on my truck in a hunting season and staring out a box blind window for 30 mornings and evenings! Too bad there aren't more opportunities in this state like what I experienced this season.