Your right to believe what you want. I also have seen in Pa the positive benefit on horn quality antler restrictions have brought about. My point was we don't know the long term results when a species is managed primarily for one physical characteristic.

Cows are a domestic managed for meat, milk or bucking. Screw up and you get to start over. Make a mistake with a wild species and it may not be so easy if the flaw becomes dominant with free ranging animals. Unlike relatively contained domestics. Then who would be on the receiving end of the bad PR?

As far as numbers management they could shoot what and how many the GC biologists told them to kill. They had no season limits, so it seems like pretty much the same as goes on in Texas at certain places.

All said, it wouldn't take much for me to hunt Texas. I like the people, find the country interesting and the Deer hunting is obviously great.

Last edited by battue; 02/15/17.

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