My family was once featured in a PBS special about Kentucky back in the 1980,s.. A film crew out of New York spent about 3 days here doing the filming. They wanted to film me planting my tobacco crop, but the plants weren't ready so they settled to film me planting corn. It was actually quite any experience, and I have to give credit to my wife for them selecting us. She was postmaster at the small local office, when the TV crew stopped off to mail something, and she charmed them into doing their filming here. On something of a side note, the narration was done by Hal Holbrook. Of course, I never met him, as he was not "on location". When the show was first broadcast on TV, a local woman known to be very society conscious, came up to me and started telling me about how big a Holbrook fan she was, and how she was so envious that I'd got to work with him. I couldn't resist the temptation, and told her that old Hal was sure was a hoot to be around and work with, and that the next time I talked to him, I'd be sure and tell him that she was a huge fan.