Originally Posted by wabigoon
kellory, so, is acting as much fun as it seems?
Or another job?

Not really. It can be interesting, sometimes. Meet a few people, learn a little movie magic along the way.
Keep in mind what you are dealing with, as an Extra. On Army of Darkness, I was run down by a horse and rider, when the rider lost control of his horse as we were charging into battle.
That endless hoard you see is really the seme 300 guys, running in a football field sized loop, with the camera tilted up from a low angle, so you only see the near side. The plastic armor was one size fits none, and cut your legs while running. (Even with duct tape around your chins. The horses are the animals of extras, not war trained, and one paniced. I was in the way. The weapons though were real, sharp and the guy running at your back has never held one before. We sat in California direct sun for 6 hours, without making noise waiting for other shots to be filmed, and they had no water available or shade for extras.
There were perks on some jobs. I got to speak with Angela Lansbury, (they treat her like a queen. Nice lady). I got to discuss the under and over crossbow in LadyHawk with the man who used it ( Rutger Hauer. ) and I met the Iron Lady herself on Murder She Wrote,( Margaret Thatcher).
I caused a stir on the sidelines once, by sitting weaving chainmail while dressed full Amish. (Their creed is "do no harm to no man", but really says nothing about defense. They could walk about in full plate) wink lol
So not quite a regular job, but one of several side jobs necessary to keep food on the table, and a roof overhead.
The pay was never large, but varied by the job. Most was about minimum wage, and in one case, I was paid more to lose my full beard, than the commercial paid.

An unemployed Jester, is nobody's Fool.

the only real difference between a good tracker and a bad tracker, is observation. all the same data is present for both. The rest, is understanding what you're seeing.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~