Originally Posted by COSteve
The culture shock moving from Maine to Commiefornia will be enormous

unless you learn to be into all the latest ridiculous fads, spend a fortune on clothes to 'fit in', and of course, learn to be so left wing that Lenin is considered too much of a right wing conservative.


You guys...

First off, dont get me wrong, California pisses me off in so many ways.
The nanny state government and the liberal urban culture that enables it and the traffic and overpopulation in developed, urban centers is just disgusting.
The bastards have taken my trapping, my hunting with hounds, mountain lion hunting, and the list of gun restrictions are too long to list.

That said, many commenters are overdramatizing a little or have simply never been outside the urban schittholes of the state.

The state is huge, you can drive north from San Diego for almost 15 hours before you hit it's northern border...15 hours!!!

This state is extremely diverse, geographically and contrary to popular belief, politically too.
There are vast rural wide open spaces and vast tracts of farming and ranching communities that are very conservative that offer excellent hunting and fishing opportunities.
If you have decent communication skills it is possible to network with private land owners and that can lead to world class waterfowl and deer hunting opportunities.
For many years on this page I have posted tons of success photos of me and my son hunting and fishing in Northern California.

Most of my Instagram album is from California...Blacktail deer, trout, salmon, striped bass, sturgeon, steelhead, coyotes, turkeys, black bears etc...


I think a lot of people on here bitchpissandmoan about California and in reality have less personal freedom than I do as they live in cities or suburban subdivisions and can't even take a piss on their own property without neighbors staring into their property.
Lazy people will always complain about a lack of opportunity, but you can have an enviable life in the outdoors here if you are willing to put in the work....most won't.

Like I said earlier, I live about 9 hours north of San Diego which might as well be a different state.
My grandparents lived down there when I was a kid and we would fish in the ocean and explore the beaches.
San Diego is pretty limited in its outdoor options, but the state is so huge, you can't generalize the whole state based on what you will encounter down there.
Good luck with your move...

Proud NRA Life Member