There is a MAGIC BULLET - CALIBER - SPEED COMBO.... maybe NOT a 100% Magic Combo, but one or more that produce more consistent DRT then other combos... we have already heard of many combos that sit on top, or near the top of the Totem Pole, with proven field success...that's why I'd like to hear their stories, because it can make a believer out of us all.

Seeing and hearing can produce believers out of the most skeptical.

The same old shoot'em ... follow the blood trail.. and recovery, is the normal and effective way... but it's boring. There is no challenge in the age old process that we all have followed for centuries... myself included. I don't see anything wrong with trying to make us all think about what might be the best combos out there. This whole thing might just be about the challenge of it all. We all love challenges.

Hydro static Shock is probably the BEST answer for DRT kills.... without that, then we might as well shoot FMJ.

Forgive My Sins Jesus, Save My Soul