Originally Posted by ol_mike
Originally Posted by rcamuglia
Originally Posted by ol_mike
When it first started I mentioned it and a friend warned me to chill out on the heavy 70lb. dumbell curls. I didn't .

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A guy who used to work in Dynamic health club, Rick, an Air Force guy would see me curling 135lbs. on a straight bar at the sqaut rack. He'd hustle over grab onto the bar push it down onto the safety crossbars that caught the bar if someone could make the squat. And school me on how dangerous curling that much weight was. He had seen a guy doing exactly what I was doing and completely tore one of his biceps . Horrible sight according to him and a long road to recovery.
To add more to my BS, in my 30's I could do 3 single arm rows with 180lbs.,, 150lbs. when I was early 50's, although the third wasn't pretty. Might have been a factor in the tendonitis, 130's were a good balance for me.

I've been accused of being on steroids and never-ever once did I ever use them.
Lads that worked with me would laugh that I could pick up a 32' extension ladder curl it and press it over my head with one arm < with ease.

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”
― G. Orwell

"Why can't men kill big game with the same cartridges women and kids use?"
_Eileen Clarke

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- Alexander Hamilton