Back in the late '80s they filmed a movie here in town called "Chattahoochee". Some people from the movie's production crew came into the first gun shop I worked at. They had a M1 Garand that they needed to have altered to cycle blanks and a model 10 Smith that they needed to have refinished to look brand new. They asked if they could bring in their "star" and have us walk him through how the Garand functioned. Their star turned out to be Gary Oldman, who none us had heard of at the time, as this was early in his career. I took him on the range and showed him how to load and shoulder the rifle. Being a Brit, I doubt he'd ever fired a gun. As he started firing off the blanks, a couple of the empties bounced off the wall and harmlessly hit him on the arms. He said "The bullets are hitting me! The bullets are hitting me!" I thought to myself, "This goober will never amount to anything." Of course a couple years later he was "Dracula" and became a household name... "Chattahoochee" didn't do much at the box office but it was cool to see the guns we worked on in the film and my handwriting on the price tag they requested for the S&W.

I've also met several rock stars that probably nobody here would know and some NFL players that have come into the gun shops I've worked in.

Last edited by SCGunNut; 02/23/23.