Originally Posted by kamo_gari
Originally Posted by Salmonella
I've caught more s. H itt on accident than most of you clowns have caught on purpose.
Just keeping it real...🤣🤣🤣

You're a damned legend-- in your own mind-- and more wrong than you realize, but your ego prevents you from recognizing it.

Please do post up some more long-arming hero shots, though. They really do make everyone's day and hundreds here are simply green with envy. I know I lose a lot of sleep over not being you.

Might I suggest the next bunch have you bare chested while you're thrusting a fish into the lens as far as you can reach? The gang here will go nuts when you share those! All hail Sal!

I'd like to hear what longarm has to say about this.

A wise man is frequently humbled.